Koo Koo the Bird Girl

Minnie Woolsey was an American entertainer predominantly in side show but also a film performer.

Woolsey was born in 1880 in Rabun County, Georgia. Little is known about her early life, only that she was rescued from a mental asylum and was commonly billed as Minnie Ha Ha , in her sideshow entertainment career. She suffered from a rare congenital growth skeletal disorder called VirchowSeckel syndrome, which caused her to have a very short stature, a small head, a narrow birdlike face with a beaklike nose, large eyes with an antimongoloid slant, a receding jaw, large ears and mild intellectual disability. In addition, Woolsey was bald, toothless, and either completely blind or very shortsighted. She would appear in a Native Indian American costume, and spoke gibberish. When and how she died is unknown, but accounts show that she was still alive and performing in 1960, working at Coney Island in sideshowcircus, aged in her 80s.

Source: Wikipedia